Monday, August 23, 2010


  1.                                                               I  just begin to write this blog by  adderssing my role model KALPANA CHAWLA-THE  UNBEATABLE   WOMAN . The day when I stepped out to this  outerworld , I was just  inspired  by her thoughts and views. During those days I was just puzzled by some of the questions like????????? 1.why Kalpana  is said to be an Indian born american astronaut, though she has spent a part of her life in India? 2.why she moved abroad for her further studies ?3.why she couldnot do her discoveries in major space center of India like ISRO?and many more questions....................... But i got the answer of my questions by reading her biography  where she always used to say that I HAVE NOT BORN FOR ANY ONE CORNER OF THE COUNTRY BUT THE WHOLE WORLD IS MY NATIVE LAND ......From that day I came  to know that INVENTIONS  and DISCOVERIES  must not be limited to a frame......So moreover it was a great loss to our PLANET rather than our nation...So friends let we know something about this GREAT PERSONALITY                                                                   
                                            NAME-Kalpana Chawla
  •                                   BORN-july 1, 1961,Karnal,Haryana, India
  •                                   FAMILY MEMBERS-two sisters 
  •                                            -Sunita and Deepa
                                                one brother-Sanjay
  •                                   HUSBAND-Jean Pierre Harrison
  •                                   EDUCATION-Tagore Public School
  •                                   B.E.Degree in AERONAUTICALat
  •                                   Punjab Engineering College
  •                                   M.S. Degree in same field at University of TEXAS
  •                                   Ph.D Degree from University of COLARADO
  •                                   NASA CAREER-STS-87
  •                                                                STS-107
  •                                   TIME IN SPACE- 31D 14H 54M
  •                                   DIED-feb-1,2003(aged42) over TEXAS